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Our Apps



Breathlessness Intervention (BIS)

The BIS app is designed to support patients who experience chronic breathlessness. The app is underpinned by the Breathing, Thinking, Functioning model developed by the Breathlessness Intervention Service (BIS) team at Addenbrooke's Hospital. It provides simple explanations of the biology related to breathlessness and coping strategies to help patients manage their condition. The app, which is still in development, is focused on informing rather than intervention, but it will offer useful tools and suggestions that the user can try.

Cambridg Pain

Cambridge Pain Seminar

The Cambridge Pain Seminar app provides support for people experiencing chronic pain, through providing information on the biology of pain and, through informative videos, tools that may help them to manage their pain. Clinicians can access the app to view which sections their patients have completed and get feedback on which sections were helpful.

Choose Well

Choose Well

The Choose Well app is designed to help people use the healthcare services in Cambridgeshire effectively. It uses your device's location to direct you to facilities near you, and factors in facility opening hours, with indications of how busy those facilities may be. The app was created in conjunction with Addenbrooke's Hospital for the Cambridge and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group.


Download Choose Well from the App Store

Fast Diary

The FAST Diary

Effective management of pain requires good levels of communication between clinicians and patients, as well as regular recording of symptoms. Traditional methods rely on lengthy patient surveys that require the patient to remember their pain

levels over a period as long as six months.


The FAST (Flexible Activity Symptom Diary) app was developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge, based on research and patient consultations, and it was funded by Evelyn Trust for clinicians and patients in Cambridge University Hospital NHS Trust. The app enables patients to easily and securely record pain as they experience it, so they can provide their clinician with an accurate picture of their pain levels over time, as well as other possibly related symptoms like anxiety and insomnia, to help their clinician provide the best treatment and advice. The app integrates with the EPIC system to add submitted details to the patient's record. The FAST app was successfully used in research with patients suffering chronic peripheral neuropathic pain. The result of this research was published here.


View the Fast Diary on the App Store

Healthy Meno

Healthy Menopause

The Healthy Menopause app is aimed at supporting women during the years surrounding menopause, covering physical as well as mental well-being.The app provides reliable, tailored information and offers insight, advice and reassurance, encouraging and enabling good communication with health services where appropriate. 

The first phase of the app mostly supports women with health issues, but planned features will also enable employers to better support women in the workplace. 

Hear Glue Ear

Hear Glue Ear

Hear Glue Ear is designed for children aged 2-6 who are experiencing hearing loss due to glue ear. It aims to reduce developmental delays and any negative impact on learning that can occur when children have hearing loss. The app helps to develop auditory processing and listening skills through specially designed songs, games and audiobooks that can be enjoyed through bone-conducting headphones. The app also provides valuable information, resources and progress tracking for parents and carers.


Download Hear Glue Ear from the App Store



High Risk Pregnancy (HRP)

HRP aims to support initiatives in the US to improve patient obstetric safety by informing, prompting, encouraging and empowering the user.

As well as functioning like a standard pregnancy tracking app, HRP is designed (based on current US guidelines) to support a number of common but potentially serious medical or obstetric conditions. The app responds to a range of symptoms/metrics entered by the user at any stage in their pregnancy, which are easily viewed in chart form. Users select from a list of conditions/concerns to get information and support, and links are supplied to access further information in comprehensive resource pages. Further features in development include: support with medication and integration with the iPhone Medical ID feature for emergency medical support.



The SmartCareCF app is part of a project aimed at studying how technology can improve and transform the lives of those with cystic fibrosis. The Study App has been deployed  in the initial stage of the project, which is making consumer devices available for patients to monitor their condition at home and liaise with their specialist health teams remotely, with the aim of reducing the risk of hospital-based cross infections, lessening the daily burden of cystic fibrosis and providing tools to tailor treatment to each individual.


People and their families are asked to monitor their CF at home for a total of six months while continuing with their normal clinical appointments. The app accompanies a lung function monitor, an activity monitor, a thermometer, a heart rate and oxygen level monitor and weighing scales for use at home.


This app was developed by our CTO, while working at FatFractal (the US company who created the app development platform that we use at CDH, who we have strong links with).

Staff Wellbeing & Training


What's Not Right?

What's Not Right? allows trainee doctors to provide continuous anonymous feedback about their work environment. The app allows departments, trusts, and the NHS to understand how trainees feel at work and to use this data to implement effective, trainee-centric changes. The secure, NHS-compliant platform ensures anonymity, addressing the perceived risk of repurcussions and allowing junior doctors to provide quantitative, objective, feedback.


View What's Not Right? on the App Store

Good Day

Good Day Bad Day

The Good Day Bad Day app lets staff give anonymous feedback on aspects of their work that affects their daily morale. The app asks the simple question, ‘how was your day?’ and allows user to give more specific feedback if they wish. The results are provided as a report for the organisation, allowing them to identify issues with staff quickly, and implement timely solutions.


View Good Day Bad Day on the App Store


Patient Care and Audit



The EndPJParalysis app was designed to support participation in the NHS-wide #EndPJParalysis 70 Day Challenge for staff to get more patients dressed and mobile, with the aim of reducing patient deconditioning. Staff can log the number of patients dressed and mobile, and easily view all logged data. The app allows staff to monitor how hospitals/wards are doing with the Challenge, and use the data to correlate with other measures such as pressure sore occurrence, patient falls, and time to discharge.


View EndPJParalysis in the App Store



i-Track is designed to track audits of resuscitation trolleys, allowing users to know at a glance how their organisation is performing. The app will record who performs a check, when it is performed, the type of check done, and will highlight any checks outstanding. The app is quick and easy to use, with a record being made by simply scanning a staff members badge and the barcode on the trolley.


View iTrack on the App Store

NCCU Diary

ICU Diary

Patients who have experienced major illness or trauma may have limited recollection of their time in hospital, which can negatively impact their mental recovery. Patient diaries have been shown to help in these situations, so the ICU Diary app has been developed to enable medical staff to easily create diary entries that document a patient’s time in hospital, including photos and audio. The app is being extended to allow a patient’s family to add their own entries, to capture both the medical and personal sides of a patient's recovery.


See more information about the ICU Diary app, here.


Network Status

Network Status

Network Status enables efficient recording and displaying of capacity across a region’s trauma units, emergency departments, critical care units, operating theatres and specialist services. This ensures that hospitals under pressure, largely due to COVID-19 at present, can be identified and trauma patients managed in the most appropriate place.


Development of the app was sponsored by NOxProtekt.


See more information about the Network Status app, here.


Rapid Response Team (RRT)

This app is used within the hospital environment by Rapid Response teams to efficiently facilitate patient allocation and review. The app allows patients to be added, along with information such as their NEWS score, urgency with which they are to be seen and which healthcare professional should attend the patient. The app allows administrators to locate team members and allocate patients to the most appropriate healthcare professional available. The app provides valuable operational metrics, follow-up visit information and access to patient notes.

Clinical Trial Apps

Fluid Intake


The Drink fluid intake app has been developed to support a single-centre, open-label, prospective, randomised controlled trials for patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. The app provides trial participants with information about the trial, instructions for how to perform some of the tests and the ability to record and easily monitor test results and daily fluid intake. The app also includes pain and QUALY questionnaires.


View Drink in the App Store


The Hospital-Q app is designed to enable cardiology consultants and patients to streamline the process of patient tests, results and appointment setting. Patient and consultant time can be wasted if appointments are made before test results are ready, or tests are taken quickly, leaving a long wait time for the appointment. The Hospital-Q app allows patients to log appointments and when they have been attended, and add test results. Clinicians have access to the information that patients log and can schedule appointments efficiently using this information.


View Hospital-Q on the App Store


Cambridge Vitamin D 

The Cambridge Vitamin D app has been developed to collect information from patients during an 8-year clinical trial. It provides patients with information about the study and reminders to take their treatment.


View Cambridge Vitamin D on the App Store


Vitamin D
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